Software Engineer II - Microsoft (May 2020 - Present)
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Mobile improvements to MR capabilities including asset capture for entities within CDS/Dataverse, authentication for Teams Meetings, and iOS/Android/HoloLens device optimization
Dynamics 365 Field Service mobile app contributions for technician success such as embedded MR capture via Power Apps model-driven apps, NPM packaging, and React Native / BabylonJS / TypeScript tech stack
- Azure Engineering Boot Camp Alum
Software Development Engineer - Magic Leap (Sept 2017 - Apr 2020) Speaker Inventor
Lead gameplay programmer within Magic Leap Studios devoted to Unity3D content creation & prototype engineering on Magic Leap One. Developed on Create, a sandbox mixed reality experience shipped as Magic Leap's Launch Title.
Integrated internal persistence API, privilege management, automation/performance testing for production.
Extended frameworks for character AI utilities, PhysX locomotion agent authoring, and UI/UX interaction.
Tech & design lead of inaugural HQ Pilot Game Jam "Ball-In-A-Maze" MR adaptation; published on internal app store.
Centered in the crossroads of art and technology, Syndikit builds engaging content from animated short films and games to training and data visualization.
Full-stack development and design for virtual, augmented, and mixed reality experiences.
Lead management and engineering of 3D/2D rapid prototyping, multi-platform deployment, third-party demos with ARCore, ARkit
Expert Unity3D curriculum design & instruction; instructor/TA at Upload VR Collective
Arges is a company utilizing augmented reality technologies to improve air traffic control management. We leverage 3D displays to mitigate low visibility conditions and cognitive overhead
ReticleOS & Android mobile development on mobile wearables such as ODG R-7 Smartglasses
Lead architect & Unity3D engineer for integrating real-time flight simulation, field testing & on-site demos
M.Eng Thesis in Big Data Visual Analytics utilizing Twitter API, Oculus Rift & Leap Motion SDKs
Performed data ingestion in Matlab, Accumulo/D4M and visual integration in Unity3D, Maya
Technical Assistant | Game Developer & Programmer - MIT Lincoln Laboratory (Jun 2012 - Aug 2014)
Enhanced Cyber Security Situational Awareness visualization tool with mobile game development
Utilized game development tools such as Unity3D to benefit player interaction & gamification
Enhanced proficiency in co-optimization, usability, user-testing, cross-platform networking
Software & Game Development Intern - Grasshopper NYC (Jan 2013 - Feb 2013)
Created digital multiplayer game via Unity3D for circular touch top tables and related physical media to foster meaningful social interaction, player usability and Indie game development
Promoted theoretical implications of systems engineering, gamification and learning effectiveness
Organized game development, spanning both software modular implementations and engineering
Promoted theoretical implications of systems engineering, gamification and learning effectiveness
Implemented applications optimizing hybrid-electric vehicle efficiency titled StreetSmart
Executed various algorithms such as reverse geo-coding, map matching & fundamentally regressing vehicle-street parameters against physics models and collected sensory data